Preventing Noise-Related Hearing Loss

Man with weedwacker wearing hearing protection cutting the grass

The average summer day is usually filled with fun experiences and happenings, from motorcycle rides to family outings to fireworks to sporting events. And while most of these activities are safe, many can present hidden risks to your hearing health. That’s because loud noises, over time, can damage your ability to hear. This hearing damage could be the result of anything from the roar of a motorcycle engine to the booms of a fireworks show.

What is noise-induced hearing loss? This condition occurs when excessively loud noises, over time, trigger damage to your hearing. The consequence of this exposure is loss of hearing. This type of hearing loss is irreversible.

There is no cure, though this form of hearing loss can be successfully managed. Raising your awareness of these prevalent loud noises can help you better manage risks and develop prevention strategies, so you can protect your hearing over the long run. With a few simple adjustments, you can enjoy your summer fun and protect your hearing health.

Is summer really that noisy?

Summer might be one of those times of year where noise risks are easiest to miss. Here are a few of the most common and also most hazardous:

  • Driving: If you’re driving with the windows down, the wind noise can reach damaging volumes in your ears and this is even more relevant if you drive a convertible. And the risk becomes dramatically worse the longer you are exposed.
  • Sporting events: Any time you’re in noisy crowds, you could increase your risk of noise damage (this can be even more relevant at sporting events that feature motorized attractions, such as a Nascar race or monster truck rally).
  • Loud concerts: Even outside concerts present substantial hazards to your hearing health. These events are, after all, meant to be really loud.
  • Fireworks events: Many towns have fireworks displays every month or more during the summer. From neighborhood parties to holiday celebrations to sporting events, fireworks shows are everywhere during the summer months. But fireworks shows are easily loud enough to trigger permanent hearing damage.
  • Routine lawn care: This might include using lawnmowers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, and weed wackers. These tools have very loud powerful motors. It’s worth pointing out that entirely electric motors are usually quieter.
  • Routine use of power tools: Home improvement projects are ideal activities during the summer. But power tools, in general, are typically quite loud. Your hearing health is in increasing danger the more you utilize these tools.

The volume level that’s regarded as where damage begins to occur is around 85 dB. This is around the range of a lawnmower, hair dryer, or a typical blender. These sounds may not seem especially loud so this is significant to note. But the volume of these devices can result in hearing damage over time.

Preventing noise-induced hearing damage

Each year, millions of individuals are affected by hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss can occur at any age, unlike age-related hearing loss. Prevention is important for this exact reason. Some of the most successful prevention strategies include the following:

  • Give your ears a break (and time to recover): Spend a quieter next day after attending a fireworks display. Additional and more substantial damage can be avoided by giving your ears a chance to rest and recover.
  • Download a sound level detection app to your phone: 85 dB might not seem like a lot, but you would probably be surprised how fast sounds can increase above that minimum threshold. Even your earbuds and headphones can begin to do damage at these volume levels. There are numerous reliable apps available for smartphones that can help you monitor ambient noise levels, so you can be more aware of when your surroundings become harmful to your hearing.
  • Use disposable earplugs when you have to: Disposable earplugs aren’t as effective as more customized types, but they’re far better than nothing! An inexpensive pair of disposable earplugs can help prevent considerable damage if you find yourself in a noisy environment all of a sudden.
  • Turn down the volume at home: Simply lowering the volume on your TV and music playing devices can help give your ears some quiet and a chance to recover. When everything is loud all the time, damage can progress more quickly.
  • Wear hearing protection: If you cannot avoid loud environments (or don’t want to miss out on particular fun activities), you can invest in a set of quality ear muffs or ear plugs. When you are in locations that are too noisy, use this protection to your advantage. This can help prevent damage. Custom hearing protection devices personalized to your ears and your hearing can be especially effective.
  • Limit your time in noisy environments: If your environment is really noisy, you need to regulate your exposure time. This can help protect against long-term damage to your ears. If you’re at a noisy sporting event, for instance, go to a quieter area every thirty minutes or so.
  • Get your hearing checked: Hearing loss usually doesn’t develop suddenly. It could take years to notice in many cases. Often, the only way to determine whether you have any noise-related hearing loss is to get your hearing checked. We will help you understand how to keep your hearing healthy for years to come and talk about treatment options for any hearing loss you might already have.

Noise-induced hearing loss is not inevitable. Prevention strategies can help maintain your hearing. With the right approach, you can enjoy all that summer, or any other season, has to offer and safeguard your hearing.

Talking to us can help start your journey towards healthier ears and better hearing. Call today for an appointment!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.