Should You Wear Hearing Aids When You Have an Ear Infection?

Terrible ear pain, young woman

It may be a surprise to many people that roughly 20% of all ear infections happen to adults. The common notion is that ear infections are something that normally impact kids. And it’s true that ear infections are more common in children, but they also occur frequently in adults.

Ear infections can be especially unpleasant for people who have hearing loss because they can interact with their hearing aids. Hearing aids can also harbor germs that could result in an ear infection if they are not correctly cleaned and maintained.

So, you might be wondering: Can I wear hearing aids while I have an ear infection? You can, but it might not be something you want to do. Ear infections can cause substantial swelling and discomfort in the ear, and your hearing aids may worsen those symptoms. But people who use hearing aids can take a few steps to treat and possibly prevent ear infections.

Do hearing aids cause ear infections?

You might be wondering if your hearing aid is the cause of your ear infection if you’re an adult with hearing loss. The technical answer is no. But more nuance is required to understand the complete story.

Almost all ear infections are caused by bacteria or a virus that gets into the ear. There are a number of paths that bacteria and viruses can take on their way to becoming an infection. In some circumstances, the inner ear becomes infected after a past illness (for instance, a sinus infection or a cold). An infection may be caused by fluid buildup in other situations. And it’s also certainly possible for viruses and bacteria to infect the inner ear via simple transmission.

For individuals who wear hearing aids, this can be a frequent occurrence. Your hearing aid accumulates this bacteria or virus and then gets inserted directly into your ear. Correct hearing aid cleaning and maintenance is essential for this reason. So the virus or bacteria is really the cause of the infection, not the hearing aid itself. But your device might play a role in transmission.

Contact between hearing aids and ear infections

So what is the level of interaction between hearing aids and ear infections? The best way to anticipate what to expect is to examine the most prevalent ear infection symptoms. Here are a few of the most common symptoms of ear infections:

  • Tinnitus (a ringing in the ears)
  • Pain in the ear
  • Ear pressure or a feeling of fullness
  • Fluid draining from the ear
  • Temporary loss of hearing in some cases
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Swelling and inflammation

Not everybody will suffer from every symptom, of course. Usually, you will have noticeable inflammation of the inner ear and ear pain in the infected ear. These symptoms can have an adverse interaction with hearing aids for people with hearing loss. That’s because your hearing aid will likely (at least partially) sit within the ear canal. Your hearing aids may cause added discomfort as they aggravate the tender inflamed infected ear.

Also, with a hearing aid that sits mostly inside the ear canal, fluid drainage can be obstructed. Your infection and discomfort may last longer if fluid is stuck in your ear. This will also increase the pressure (and pain) you feel in your ears. This pressure can be even more pronounced when you’re wearing your hearing aid.

The performance of your hearing aid can also be impacted by the extra moisture. So your hearing aids aren’t working at peak performance and your ears are in pain. Which means that wearing hearing aids when you have an ear infection can be an absolutely miserable time.

Ear infection & hearing aid strategies

So what can you do if your hearing aids are annoying you during an ear infection? There are several steps you can take to lower your risk of developing ear infections and to manage the discomfort that an ear infection might cause. Here are a few of those steps:

  • Take breaks from wearing your hearing aids: You can take a break from your hearing aids for a while if you have significant or lasting pain. You can use alternative methods of communication with friends and family, like texting, in the meantime.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider: You should talk to your doctor sooner than later if you suspect you may be developing an ear infection. Treating a hearing aid as soon as possible will reduce the chance of it becoming severe or prolonged.
  • Regularly clean your hearing aids: Keeping your device clean can decrease the risk of transmitting bacteria or viruses to your ears. Ask us for help if you’re not sure how to properly clean and sanitize your hearing aids.
  • Practice good ear hygiene: This means regularly cleaning your outer ear and, generally, keeping your ears dry and clean. Don’t try to stick any object in your ear, however, including cotton swabs. Using cotton swabs can drive earwax and other debris further into your ear, increasing your chance of developing an infection. You’re attempting to accomplish the exact opposite.
  • Talk to your hearing specialist: If your ears start to feel better, but the discomfort from your hearing aids doesn’t go away, consider talking to us to see if you can get a better fit on your devices.

Hearing aids are most likely an essential part of your daily life. They help you communicate with loved ones and move about the world more easily. That makes it very difficult to give up your hearing aid even for short periods. However, you will have a speedier recovery from your ear infection if you take a break from wearing them until you heal up. This will help you get back to feeling better sooner.

It’s not unusual for people to get ear infections. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek out treatment or try to prevent them. If you have questions about how ear infections may affect your hearing aid use, give us a call today.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.